Hiiii. Me again. Trying (yet again) to be re-inspired to continue my blog. Ugh.
Updates in brief:
1. Made it through the 1 yr anniversary of Mama's death without consuming large amounts of alcohol or snorting any available pill. Yay for me! My preferred method of avoidance was sleeping for most of Sept 17th.
2. This actually relates closely to #1. On Sept 18th I randomly got online to check the status of my app for College of Charleston. According to the lady I spoke with a while back they wouldn't even start looking at apps until late Sept/early Oct. However, I decided to just check and WAH-LAH! I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED!!! ...My official date of acceptance was Sept 17th...imagine that. I don't really believe in a lot of things, including coincidences when it comes to things like that. I was at work when this happened so I had to control my emotions but I found myself penning "Thank You" into the palm of my hand over and over again... I don't know if it was a thank you to God or Mama, or who, but I felt like it was heard/seen.
So there we have it, I'll be continuing my education (FINALLY) in January at the College of Charleston. Whew. I'm feeling a mixture of relief and excitement and also knowing that this timing is absolutely perfect.
3. I have finally decided about my next tattoo. Don't feel like going into details (because of the whole "brief update" promise I made earlier) but it involves a daffodil and the last two lines of William Wordworth's poem I wandered lonely as a cloud.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now, but I've got a whole eight hour work day tomorrow to think about anything else. (yay. not.)
Sue + Charleston = GREATNESS
Also, I love the tattoo idea. It sounds lovely and meaningful. I completely support it, not that you needed that.
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