Sunday, May 4, 2008

7:15 AM = Honesty.

It's a beautiful day.

Of course I woke up at 7:15 to my phone about to explode with a text message. A 7:15 text message that was just too dramatic for that hour of the day...

Basically to make a long story short, a person in my life who lately had not been present (which is a positive thing), decided to make an entrance, on cue with a moment of his personal drama and my complete satisfaction with him not being around.

Basically he was letting me know that he had been hurt so I should somehow feel satisfied that he was being hurt in the same way he'd hurt me. But the thing is, I just don't care. And I told him that. With 7:15 a.m. comes this thing called unfailing honesty.

Exact quote from me, "It doesn't make me smile when people are hurting, especially when I don't really care."

I didn't realize that was as brutal as it sounds until I'd sent it and I was like, wait, what did I just say?

And then I felt maybe a little bad because I'm not a mean person, and then I decided not to feel bad and spent the rest of the time before I fell asleep obsessing over the fabulous night before, which I spent with a guy who respects me. RESPECT...what a novel concept.

It was something I never got from dramatic-text-message boy, and something I'm literally in awe of as I get tons of it from "let-me-hold-every-door-for-you-and-act-like-i'm-ridiculously-honored-that- you're-hanging-out-with-me" guy. (not boy.)

So yea, I guess things could've gotten thrown off track a little... at least old Susanna would've obsessed over the fact that I'd gotten that text message, and I guess in a sense I am, but not in the "oh maybe he needs me after all" way, more of the "wow, I totally don't care" way. :-)

Oh Sunny Sundays...


Anonymous said...

you make me more proud of you with every day. i knew you were a strong individual, but DANG. i hope you're doing well! i haven't gotten to talk to you lately. we MUST hang out soon.

i moved into my apartment at the Reserve. so you need to come over.

hope to see you soon,
