I didn't do anything today.
Last night my favs came over - karee, koti, and kathryn.
It was completely fabulous. Sarah and Bobby where gone somewhere for their 5th wedding anniversery (crazyyy) so it felt kind of like the house was all mine. Of course this is the point where Sarah would interject and say "it IS yours!!!" and I would roll my eyes and say "you know what I mean" and she would just kind of glare at me... which is fine.
Anyway they came over, we had dinner (everybody brought a dish), drank wine, then changed into our sexy suits (aka. swim suits) and I made mojitos (if i don't know what else to do with my life i think i have the potential to be a bartender ---cause they were freakin awesome) and we steamed in the hottub for an hour or so.
overall a very successful night
Anyway, today I didn't do anything.
I watched the History Channel, then when Sarah and Bobby got home switched to something mindless (aka. CSI, per Sarah's request). And then at 8 started watching the indiana jones special on the History Channel. ...actually it's still on but i've lost interest temporarily and am now blogging... plus my mojito i fixed for my sunday evening enjoyment may have made me a little relaxed (aka increased my ADD).
anyway today was very relaxing, and wiht the help of a fab weekend, plus my mojito, plus the fact that i'm just in a "whatev" mood, i'm not at all stressed.
...and trust me, i have plenty of reasons to be....
1 day ago
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