Taking a note from Koti’s book…here’s my list
1. Bonnaroo
I am still working on a full account of the adventures. Stay tuned for tales of trips, how I got a rash, hippie love of all types, and rockin’ good music.
2. Insurance company underwriters are going to Hell
No need to explain any further, besides the fact that they said because I had Reynaud’s Syndrome it was a “pre-existing” disease and rejected my insurance. Bastards of the Universe. I had to waste my time, and my doctor’s, by going to see him and getting him to say I was “disease free.” He wasn’t happy with them at all, but I was a little less happy because Sarah had to foot my $80.00 non-health insurance-covered doctor’s bill. Ugh.
3. I feel like Super Slacker
This goes back to Sarah having to pay for my doctor’s visit.
4.) I have re-discovered my hatred for the Clemson University Parking police.
Oh wait, they aren’t even real cops. They’re just rent-a-cops on a power trip driving around in their silent killer golf carts attacking students and teachers alike relentlessly. They too may have a place reserved next to the Insurance Underwriters…
5.) I am not happy to be at work.
I feel like this is Day 3 of a hangover. Meaning – I have a headache, my reaction time sucks, I’m speaking slowly, and the fluorescent lighting above my desk is sucking my soul out more than usual. Ugh. Why can’t I be a jobless hippie? (This is not derogatory, I am currently an employed hippie, as opposed to a jobless hippie, which I would prefer to be…)
TaTa for now!
1 day ago
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