This weekend was lowkeyfun.
Saturday was pretty uneventful. Went to Kathryn's little bro's graduation and was extremely irreverant and distracted her the whole time by talking to her, probably kind of mean actually. Oops. Apologies Kathryn, but at least you didn't cry! :-)
Then later got ready way to early to go out with people, who ended up being Kathryn, Koti, and Brett (Utterly fabulous, fab fourrr).
We went to the hookah barish/resturaunt thing and had lovely food (Hummas and pita bread for me) and a hookah for each pair. I was in a very odd mood and found myself being very bossy, and probably rather offensive too...sorry guys. :-\ I love you!
Pictures sooooon!
And today is Sunday and I've done nothing but lay on Jennifer's couch and watch America's Next Top Model, with Jennifer, Sarah, and Maggie coming in and out of naptime.
I feel a little guilty, kind of like I've wasted the day...but then again it's the weekend, and I can do with it as I see fit. :-) Hooray and blah.
Mmk, time to go finish this fantastic season of ANTM that I've never seen (Whyyyy?!?!?!)
1 day ago
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