(disclaimer = I'm pretty sure this is the must jumbled post ever. Mainly because I was just type-type-typing and never actually went back and read what I had wrote...I may go back and rearrange, but probably not...)
Tonight we watched Once. (received in a joyful little envelope with the word "Netflix" written on the side). I'm sure I will say more about this film.
Music with two people.
Music with two people who can feel the tug of separate roads from their very first meeting.
From their very first meeting there is a sadness between the two of them, the clinging to a moment, and the holding back. Clinging because they know it is so precious, and holding back for fear that when it ends everything will fall apart with grief, with pure disappointment that it couldn't last forever.
Music telling a story that words couldn't fully express.
No. I wouldn't recommend this film to just anyone. Some people don't have the capacity for understanding to even fathom a meaning in it's less than polished style, and actors who aren't really acting, because they aren't actors, their two people telling a true story that isn't actually happening...not sure if that makes sense, but that's the best way I describe the film.
And the only reason I didn't break out into sobs at the end of the movie is because I know the two people that were somehow translated onto the screen (the real people inside the characters representative) are actually on the road, touring, playing their music (that was originally written solely for the film). Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. They are now the Swell Season, and I saw them playing at Bonnaroo. Thank goodness for happy endings, even if they actually have nothing to do with the story told...
p.s. This movie is not a love story. It's a connection/intersection story.
1 day ago
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