Sarah thought I should write down the jacked-up dream sequence I had the other night. It was rather odd. She also said it was one of those dreams that were perfect for intrepretation...
Part 1 -
Sarah and I are sitting at a table and a woman that we know walks up. She's all chatty and tells us she has a gift for us and pulls two tea pots covered in pink breast cancer ribbons out of a bag. I immediatly take mine and smash it on the table. She, of course, looks horrified, and I go, "Opps, sorry" and glare at her.
Part 2 -
I'm back in my high school cafeteria with the Three Kays and we're still the same age we are now. As we walk towards our regular table I see a girl I hate sitting in our seats (That's true life, if I saw her I would be a little more violent then I was in my dream...) and I glare at her, say some not-so-nice things very audibly and kep walking to find another table.
Part 3 (and the most cracked out one) -
This is one of those dream sequences where you know everyone in your dream but that person doesn't exist in real life. The whole thing feature a good vs. evil. I'm on the good side and our leader is Peter Pan, and on the bad side is Voldemort (if you don't know who Voldermort is go crawl back under your rock. thanks). In the dream we can all fly because Peter Pan is with us, but he gets hurt and we (me and another guy) have to carry him back to the safehouse (which is incidently, the Townville house). We're flying him back through the night, but he's heavy and we're weak ith him being hurt it's difficult for us to fly.
Finally, we get back to the safehouse and everyone is waiting for us. We barely make it before Voldemort and his forces close in. But he can't get into the house because there's a protective charm that makes it look like there's no one home, and even if he comes inside, he wouldn't be able to see us to catch us.
We lock all the doors and I'm watching as he lurks around in the shadows of the yard, then I go to recheck the doors again. The back door has been kicked in, which means Voldemort has made it inside the house, but the dimensions are different because of the charm. However, if he ends up being in the place at the same time as one of us, he would be able to touch one of us and the charm would be broken, which means we would all die.
The dream ends and we're all being still against the walls and furniture, hoping that we won't collide with him.
So those were my dreams. And no. I don't do hard drugs or take strange medication before I go to bed.
1 day ago
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