Monday, August 4, 2008

there are too many songs about monday

Good morning good morning good morning!!!! :-)
So I had planned to get up uber early to do a thirty minute bike ride this morning (purely experimental), but as a result of my sunburn and no sleep I didn't wake up until 6:30, boo.
But I feel quite happy with myself this morning besides my failed exercise attempt. :-) I woke up and used my super fabulous Proactive stuff. Sarah and I have both started using it, and I literally feel like my face is floating it feels so nice and clean. It also helps me to avoid that adolescent 13 year old look. Yay! Jessica Simpson, I knew you would never lie to me!
Also, due a sunburn from 4 hours in the sun, which I might add was purely accidental. I was being very careful, including a floppy straw hat, massive sunglasses and a mixture of 30 spf and 15 spf sunscreen. Sigh. But the good things in the sun make me feel all chipper and such. So yay for the sun!
And there are a lot of songs about Monday. Google it.