This November, for the first time, I will be old enough to vote in a Presidential election. There are a million things I'm trying to think about. Due to certain issues I know there is one candidate specifically that I could not bring myself to vote for...but then I have this issue rolling around in my head:
There has to be a difference between a "flip-flopper" and a person who is willing to change their tune due to new information.
I love paying attention to politics. I'm an Obama supporter. I was a Bush supporter in our scary post-9/11 world, until he pulled out his six-shooter and started going after everyone that even looked even remotely sketchy (oh except those crazies in Sudan that are killing off people in Darfur, but they don't have any desirable natural resources so who cares...right? whatever.). But I also believe that maybe one day, facts about present day events will be released that the American people never knew about, and maybe we'll realize Bush wasn't such a psycho after all...I hope.
But what really bothers me is how do you tell the difference between a presidential candidate who "flip-flops" on his views, and a candidate who is taking into account new information. But wait, are they really all the same? To that question, I wish the answer was no, but I'm really beginning to wonder.
I'm so excited to be voting in the election this November, but I'm wondering if this first time participation in the political process will just be the beginning of the path to more disillusionment...
1 day ago
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