At 10:30 Wednesday night, I was left sitting on the couch, remote in hand, PR5 end credits in TiVo freeze, and saying “What the heck did I just watch?”
I think it all started with Blayne constantly scratching his too-tan skin or the overkill of his American Apparel hoody sans the shirt. Here I should state I’m not knocking American Apparel. Helloooo, my closet contains ¾ of their inventory, but no one should wear a hoody shirtless unless a) they’re in an American Apparel ad or b) they’re an amazing, original designer…and Blayne, I’m sorry to say, is neither.
But this is Project Runway, NOT America’s Next Top Model…
Wednesday seemed to bring out the worst and best of aspects competition in an Olympic fashion. Apparently the high drama mix of Keith almost swiping Terri’s fabric, Kenley’s giggles (I would be giggling too if I had immunity in a challenge where everyone else was having serious issues), and Joe’s testosterone-overload in a room full of “queens,” left a few designers confused when faced with their challenge. Most notably the Auf’ed Jennifer, (colorblind?) Daniel, and Jerell’s cartoonish, patterned explosion.
Was it just me, or was everyone else sick of listening to Jennifer continue to talk about her “surreal” design technique. For most of the hour I found myself trying to wrap my head around why it was Emily, not her, that went home last week. As for my sister (also a Jennifer, and completely opposite of the PR Jennifer), she just wanted to know: “Does she even know what surrealism is?” And after she sent, yet another, replication of her own wardrobe down the runway, the judges (thank goodness) sent her, and her to think forward, packing.
It did seem a few people out of the crowd had actually heard of the Olympics, and interpreted the fervor of the opening ceremonies in different ways. Joe (even though I have a grudge against him for being so annoying throughout the episode) made a very practical athletic outfit, complete with a vertical “USA” on the front, while Terri seemed to channel Olympics of 1984. My personal favorite, and the winner, was Korto’s high-waisted, peg-leg pant suit. Very lovely in clean white, and very fashion forward (all over the runways for Fall/Winter 08/09 and Resort Spring/Summer 09).
So on to next week, which I’m sure will be full of some interesting situations. For one, it looks as though Kenley’s giggling spill out of the work room and onto the runway… oh the drama…
P.s. I also heard there’s going to be a little more than sewing going on this season with two designers. True or false? Maybe we’ll see…
1 day ago
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