So I haven't been in a bloggy mood lately. I guess things have been pretty placid on the pond that is my life. (Hahaha...ha.......ha, yeaaaa....:-\)
My life is pretty much revolving around watching the Olympics and forcing myself to actually keep up a basic exercise routine. I'm quite happy because due to excercising daily I've already noticed a change mentally and physically. :-) Hooray! I also discovered that my a.d.d. tendencies show up when I'm trying to stay healthy too. I think it's because I get bored with one thing. For example, I was riding my bike all last week, and I'll ride it this week too, but I don't feel like riding it every day. So I think I'm going to go buy some sort of aerobic Taebo dvd and spend a few evenings a week bouncing around in the living room. Should be interesting for anyone who happens to pass through.
Anway, like I said, not much to blog about lately.
P.s. Michael Phelps a golden god.
1 day ago
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