Tuesday, February 5, 2008

cluck-cluck-cluck haha

Last night Sarah and i got royally toasted off of white wine. It was fabulous. I recall running around like a chicken and instead of saying "cluck-cluck-cluck" i was giggling and going "fuck-fuck-fuck"... I think this came from Sarah using the term rather inappropriately (as she too was intoxicated) in a sentence to Bobby and i was trying to make light of the situation... Overall i can honestly say it was a successful night... at least on my part, i'm pretty sure Sarah can't say the same. Apparently the wine didn't exactly agree with her, however, i was definitely out-like-a-light (after, of course, my mandatory drunk-dialing).


I would also like to make a statement regarding a recent epiphany of mine. I will rarely - IF EVER - judge anyone ever again or the following: drug use (of any kind, whether it be perscription or illegal), alcohol abuse, and definitely not limited too suicide. The last one, i'm sure, raises eyebrows. I believe in most cases suicide is a selfish act, because there is always someone in your life that loves you, but then again... when a person is so desperate that they would take their own life, i guess they can't see that anymore... But, i wouldn't know, because I've never been in that situation.

I will risk going on a tangent and say here and now that I am an utter wimp. I don't cut myself because i don't like razors or knives. I don't do illegal drugs (...mostly) because i'm scared of getting caught. I've cut back on public drinking because I'm too close to 21 to risk getting an MIP (minor in possession for those of you who are clean enough to not even know what that means). I've never stolen anything, because, once again, i'm scared of getting in trouble. Basically, i am one of the most un-extreme people you will never know. hooray.

Anyway, back to my first paragraph. I will never judge anyone for any of the above things. Why? Because you NEVER EVER EVER know what's going on inside someone's head, you never know what is truely going on with a person. And whoever is ARROGENT enough to think that they know because they've had an "almost" experience, or "knew somebody once", can go to hell. There's a thin line between relating with a person's issues and then judging for them because you think you know exactly what's going on in their life.

Okay, so I guess the moral of this story comes down to the cliche statement, "You never know until you've walked a mile in someone's shoes." Guess what, you probably wouldn't even know then, try walking nine or ten miles, and maybe you'll have a vague idea.

Listening to Stars "Set Yourself on Fire"

stars album cover


theWAYiam said...

You always make me proud. I am quite impressed by the wise paragraphs above. I myself understand that whether we consciously do it or not, we judge. But I think the problem comes when we let our judgements of others take over how we react to them. Suicide is a devasting decision, obviously, but sometimes others are not capable of seeing life as we do and I believe that is an IMPORTANT realization for everyone.

People make their choices and I think instead of judging it is much more important to care about the person, and in some way, we should let them know we do.

But on a side note, if someone is suicidal, it is in no way something we should overlook. Sometimes people just need a little help and on the risk of sounding judgemental, sometimes people actually threaten such things to be overdramatic. There are those who threaten that they have came close or whatnot, but they take away from those who truly do need the attention.

that is all.