I have always been the wierd kid that sat around and read encyclopedias for fun, and when my mom asked me what magazine subscription i wanted for christmas, the answer was simple, "time." And now i am excited to announce that for the first time (or maybe, the first time i've taken notice) the world cares, people care, people my age care - and it is amazing. It makes me happy that the last three or four parties i went to there was a HUGE political debate, this of course was mostly people disagreeing, but that's incredible. People care, and when people care things start to happen, and that's the word my friend that is on everyone's lips - CHANGE.
I dont care who you are, who you support, or what your views are this is a year of CHANGE. I mean i could take this time to focus on me personally, because change doesn't even begin to describe my one thread of life in this world...more like catastrophe x 165272435 (that's an approximation of course - could be higher), but it's not all about me for once...
Look at the world around you...
Breathe it in...
Do you hear it? Do you see it? Do you feel it?
If you don't then you need to find a way to notice, because it's all around. I can't even put my finger on it... it's more than the politics, the crazy weather, the emerging effects of so many of the population's actions...
It's the finale.
Everything is at a roar, at a climax. Think about it like a wave. More appropriately, a tsunami. I'm not a physical/earth science genius, but i do know it goes something like this:
A tsunami can be caused by underlying plates in the ocean's bed - tremors, earthquakes, whatever.
The tremors cause energy and the energy in some form or fashion begins to move through the water...it's NOT the water moving, it's the energy...
Eventually it reaches an object in its way, and we all know what happens - the water pulls back as the roll of the energy hits land and rises to monsterous porportions, crashing, crushing, demolishing...
The actions of society have been rolling through all of us for years, decades, a century (maybe?) and now it's coming to the surface, the wave is rolling...what will happen?
I don't know. No one does.
We'll have to wait and see.
1 day ago
Okay, I am quite emotional after the "Yes, We Can" campaign video. We know Clinton is my choice this campaign, but that is an extremely powerful ad. If Obama is the democratic candidate this election, I'll start making Obama buttons and t-shirts.
I love the ideal of HOPE! I most certainly hope for a better future, and I feel that Obama gives that hope, whether he can make it happen or not, maybe we will get a chance to see.
I, too, am quite proud of how people our age are taking a real interest in the candidates. Yes, and those parties were there is some political debates are quite inspiring.
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