what do you do when nothing makes sense anymore? when you wake up and you're not quite sure why you did? and i realize that this blog is turning into something that even i dont want to read...but honestly, i don't care. I'm just wondering who's wrong here? is it the people i've shut out, did i not give them enough chances? was it my fault because i dwelled to much on my own problems...when people go through this are they over it 5 months later? Because apparently by social standards that what people expect...EXPECT. Stop expecting. Because honestly, just now, 5 months later the shock has just now worn off and i realize what has happened, and i realize what it means, and sometimes just that realization sends me reeling all over again.
She is gone. Gone. gone. GONE.
Never coming back. Never going to kiss me on my wedding day. Never going to hug me when i graduate. Never going to hold my kids. Never going to be in the next room laughing, or yelling, or crying, or whatever. Nothing. there is nothing.
And how can you pick up again when there's just a haze and an ache that will never go away?
1 day ago
I have no words of comfort. I mean what can I really say that makes this any better? I only know that maybe the world expects too much, or rather, people expect too much. But you have no one's expectations to live up to but your's--okay so maybet that is crap. You have many people in your life and everyone has expectations, but screw that... it doesn't matter. You do what you have to do, to get through what you have to get through. Just keep the people in your life who bring out the best, and push aside the people who aren't lifting you up.
Sorry, I'm not really good at this.
<3 Love You Bestie!
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