Monday, February 18, 2008

this is what a brick to the head feels like

Disclaimer - What other people keep inside i sometimes explode onto a piece of paper. It's healthier that way, better than say crushing hydrocodone and snorting it right?
here it goes...the reason why i will probably have to upgrade my blog to "adult content" or whatever. But I guess I am an adult now, without a mother you're not a child anymore right?

Untitled (or a poem to hate to)
they say love is a thin line away from hate i'd say fuck that, that's not the way it is now on this date here's to hoping you fall asleep and stop breathing but i hope it's not painless i hope you're bleeding on the inside like when you reached inside me and told me the world was just for us to be just friends is what you said and then we kissed and there was ice burning at the other end.
in every word that escapes me I can't tell you feel the disgust i hope the next time you slit your wrists you press a little harder the next time you take a jump you jump a little farther next time you think you love her you have a fucking daughter i hope you watch her (you know) you'd feel like me i wish you'd rip your heart out and then you'd see a fraction of what was what is what will never be i hope you hear every word i say and i hope you know it's all about you but even if it wasn't you'd still say it was true
cause you're just like that you think the world is you you're the world green, black, and blue and you think that nothing's true that this was all just false but i still stayed close... ...I Trusted You...

Lesson of Life (that i'm pretty sure most humans have learned, everyone except me) - don't trust anyone until they've proven they're worth it and don't continue to trust them when they've proved they're not...


theWAYiam said...

Okay love...
Very powerful words!
I am actually at a loss of what to say, which is not like me.
You are a rare beauty in this world. Despite the cliche-ness of that statement it is true.
I feel a little more enlightened every time I come in to contact with you, your words, or your art; And I can't say that about any one else.
