A lot a lot a of things going on.
#1 - I started going to this thing called a "home group" through the church where Tom works. I was always very skeptical of the whole religious-affiliation/mass-media-worship thing... but i think it's really just i'm very skeptical about the whole God thing (any person who doesn't question that at some point...just by looking around at the crap in the world...should probably take a minute and evaluate their faith. I'm not saying "if you believe you're stupid" I'm saying, believe because you truly have thought about it and have formed your belief/faith around substantial things, not just because it's something that's been shoved into your face your whole life).
Anyway, I started going to a "home group" which is basically a group formed for many reasons:
Reason 1: To discuss the Bible/God/Life/Faith/Belief/Etc in a group setting and applying those to day-to-day life and help give people a group discussion setting to look at different topics and examine the whole picture.
Reason 2: To get to know people in the church on a personal level. I mean, this is a church that has 8,000+ people attending it weekly...so if you just go to a sunday service, you're going to feel like a stranger every single week. By going to a h.g. you form a network within the church.
Okay now the reasons I'm going:
Reason 1: To meet people. I have a few close friends, but I can't hang out with them all the time because they have their lives and I have mine. I don't want to be the girl that doesn't have a social life because she only hangs out with 2 people. Also, by meeting these kind of people, who obviously have a focus on what they want (on some level) I think I'll be able to broaden my own horizons.
Reason 2: To help myself focus. This kind of relates to reason 1. I guess because the past few months I've changed a lot. A LOT. And it's hard to keep putting myself in the same situations that I was in 3 months ago, 6 months ago, 9 months ago, etc. because it's forcing me to return to my own mentalities, or more likely, making me frustrated because i don't like being in these situations and i have no patience for them. I think by making this step towards something so different I will be able to move on to situations that fit who I am now, and also help me not feel so frustrated towards the situations/people that are from a different time.
Reason 3: I want to figure out who God is. I know God exists... I have faith that there is A GOD. An existing force that truly is powerful in ways beyond any ounce of our understanding. And my thoughts on this are very conflicting. I think of God and I think God ignoring my mother's faith. I guess some people would say that she was actually rewarded by receiving her healing through death...as in a new body, a new earth, etc. etc. And I mostly agree with that... If you take out all of the other disgusting, horrible factors, my mother got what she wanted - a cancer free body. I believe that. It's the fact that she had to die to get it that is sickening.
But I want to decide for myself once and for all what I really think about God. I don't want to be loud about it, because even though I've decided to try the whole act of going to Church, because I think my faith is mine. My business. My Faith. No one else's business. Between me and God.
So that is my view on home group. And I'm really excited about it. :-)
#2 - My Hair. My hair is gone and what's left is kinda craxy. craXXXy.
I got it cut up in the back and the angle cut to the front. I know this doesn't sound to fantastic...but when you take into account that i've never ever everrr done something like this to MY hair... it's kinda a big deal.
My hair is basically like a fro because it's so curly and I got red and blonde streaks put into it. When I say red i mean...RED. and in some places it looks pink?
Of course because my hair looks so out-of-control anyway people are freaking out and saying they love it. Of course i am somewhat suspicious and think maybe they're saying the love it because they actually hate it and are trying to overcompensate...hmmm...
Anyway...pics coming soon.
Okay so those are the two biggest events in my life as of late. Church and Hair...ta daaaa!
Oh, and i don't understand why people don't pay attention to Moscow Fashion Week... I mean, I know it's kind of young and getting started and kind of ancient... But I like it. It's so dark. Probably pics of that soon tooooo :-)
1 day ago
I'm glad you are working out things to help clarify what YOU believe. It's sad that we live in an environment that expects everyone to believe the same way they believe (have the same thoughts, the same ideals, the same opinions of what God really is). In saying that I think you will appreciate the fact that Kasi made she and I "Coexist" shirts in her Graphic Communications class. They are fabulous. Go Religious Harmony!
As for the hair I am uber-excited!!!
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