So I have decided that for one week I am going to be a vegetarian. More specifically an "ovo-lactovegetarian." According to my research this is a vegetarian whose diet includes eggs and dairy products such as low-fat/skim milk and cheese.
I also discovered that I am apparently all ready a "semi-vegetarian" because I avoid red meats and stay more towards white meats, like the steroid-free/organic chicken and fish.
Why am I doing this? I am looking for a new, more fulfilling lifestyle. I know that sounds cliche and maybe not even a good enough reason. But I really do believe the (even more cliche) saying "You are what you eat." If you eat heavy foods, you'll feel heavier, and probably will be heavier. It also freaks me out when you go to the grocery, or order some dish with chicken at a resturaunt, and you get a chicken breast the size of my two fists put together. That can't be healthy.
So I'm researching and quite excited about my new endeavor.
To anyone that is already doing this and has words of wisdom - pass them on. :-)
1 day ago
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