I feel more myself today than I have in a long time.
I'm not too worried about WHY this is...because that would stress me out. I could list at least 10 reasons why.
This weekend has been different in so many ways.
First of all Sarah and I got up Saturday morning, had coffee, drove to Easley where there is a very fantastic antique shop. We ended up buying six or seven records, even though we don't have a record player. Everything from "Jesus Christ: Superstar" to Barbara Streisand to "Christmas with Colonel Sanders". I also bought a fantastic Pucci-esque scarf that I have every intention of wearing wrapped around my head. I also found a beautiful teal-ish vase that I wanted to buy very, very badly, but I'm trying to be responsible with my cash so I decided not too...this time. (Sarah goes in there more than me, so I told her to keep an eye on it...)
A Few Photos from the Antique Shop
(me with my teal vase and the super fantastic clothing area- there's a faux fur coat in that mix that I WILL be returning to purchase...)
(a very pretty Spanish looking lady and a pink party dress)
We then went and ate at a fantastic little sandwich shop, had a pimento cheese panini with bacon, tomato, and little strawberries on the side. Very yum.
Then I explained to Sarah my aversion to going back to school. It's a complicated one and one I don't really feel like expounding on now (because I want to go visit with Maggie before it gets too late). But in essence, I am feeling like I have found a point in my life where I can actually have something stable. A stable house. A stable job. Stable friends (in every sense of the word). Stable everything. And I don't want to let go of it just yet.
Now, for those of you who will read this and freak out and ask me wtf I'm thinking... Trust me, for the first time in a long time, I feel like I actually have control of what's going on around me, and it feels fantastic.
Also, today, I made a collage. It's been a while. Actually, I haven't made one since Mama left. She used to love my collages, she always thought they were amazing, especially when they were ironic. The one I made wasn't that big of a deal, just my favorite California pictures, and I printed them, arranged them on black posterboard and hung it over my bed. But just doing that made me happy.
Another thing. I actually wrote a short story of sorts this afternoon. It's been more than eight months since I've done that.
And I hope something else continues that is making me happy... :)
(my collage)
1 day ago
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