Somewhere between the time i left work and the time i got home had a complete crash and ended up putting on pjs and going to bed.
Cancelled therapy, skipped out on homegroup...everything.
I feel bad about home group because I really like all of them... :-(
Other than that I don't feel bad. I really think the nap did me good. I woke up around 8:30ish and Sarah and Bobby were chattering in the kitchen and American Idol was blaring dramatically in the back ground and some sort of tuna concoction was on the stove, a casserole i think? It was yummy. Then Jennifer, Tom and Maggie dropped in, and maggie sat on Sarah's lap and grinned at me with her growing assortment of teeth (she's verging on 3 now...whoaaaa).
I'm glad I slept through my ickyness this time. I know I can't do it all the time, but tonight it was the best thing I could've done. No pretend. No heavy thoughts. Just a little Album Leaf and wonderful sleep.
1 day ago
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