several things happening right now, first of all. I'm really happy because Christian won on Project Runway. Finally, a season of PR that didn't consist of cheap strings and tacky sparkles. And what makes me REALLYYY happy that Christian won is that I called it from the second or third episode. And I love being proved right. :-)
I'm at work right now. Bobby's birthday was last night and I think it went really well. But like most gatherings, even one that doesn't revolve around our family, there was this gaping hole. I really like Bobby's family, but whenever we all got together I used to go lurk around Mama because she made things a little easier...sometimes I'm pretty sure I don't take after her in the social aspect. I think I'm a little more like my dad sometimes, perfectly content to sit in the corner and observe. But not all the time. Sometimes I'm loud and laugh even louder, which Mama was so good at.
Hmm, maybe I should tell my therapist about that. I've noticed that the visits i've had with him consist of me whining about all the people that have dumped me in my life (not boys, just people, girl friends, boy friends, pets, fish, etc.). And I'm smart enough to know that he's sitting there knowing that I'm doing exactly what I do best - avoiding the issue, the actual problem, ignoring the pink elephant in the room.
Here's a happy picture for all you BravoTV Project Runway fans (off of Bravo's website of course....specifically Christian's interview, which is hyyysterical! below)
1 day ago
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