so i feel strongly about music and lately i've been listening to a lot of it and I came across a new thought.
I find it highly annoying when TV shows come out with "soundtracks". I put the word soundtracks in quotes there because it's the popular term for these... thought - they are not soundtracks. They are "glimpsetracks" because a SOUNDtrack is from a movie, where they have a complete, or at least 95% complete representation of all of the music in the film. A TV show on the other hand cannot have a complete SOUNDtrack because you're looking at weeks and weeks and hours and hours worth of music.
Come on guys, if you're going to make an album of your show's music at least make it complete, otherwise all the time and effort you put into deciding which song's to use is pretty much wasted. Be proud of the music you chose, or, better yet, don't waste the money putting out a cd.
Update - no one buys cds anymore anyway (unless it's a specialty, like i recently bought Iron & Wine's The Shepard Dog and Radioheads, In Rainbows on's just a sin not to) now when we've got iTunes and the lovely internet jay-walking, album ripping...not free of course because you can opt to sign up for a monthly payment. Just enough to not make it illegal.
glimpsetrack...that's my favorite word for the weekend. Besides craxy, or le sex.
1 day ago
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