Wow. So much for blogging, right?
So many times I’ve sat down to rant or write or rave or whatev and I just get lazy, get up and move on to something less time consuming. Not like I don’t have a lot of time…
So here is brief update in ten or fewer words of my ever increasingly exciting life. HA.
1.) Work
2.) House
3.) American Idol (pathetic, I know…I’m starting to lose interest, clone blondes and soul singers combined with “I’m such an awesome rocker dude” attitudes are kind of getting old)
4.) Wine. (I took it upon myself to consume and entire bottle of riesling on Friday night. Alone. Not pretty.)
Hooray! Welcome to life.
Oh, and I’m planning my tattoo…again. I was going to get the triangle design, but I decided to put that one on hold. It’s become a symbol of something I’m leaving behind, not something I’m moving toward. I’m going to get the word "daffodil" on my shoulder.
And maybe I might actually add more to it eventually, like an actual daffodil, designed by me. But also I kind of wanted to get a whole stanza of the poem the word is inspired by, William Wordsworth’s I wandered lonely as a cloud. Appropriate for so many reasons.
Someone asked me why I wanted to get this and the answer came a lot more easily than I had expected…Hope. This has been a long winter. Long, hard, cold, dark…all of those words. I remember reading Ethan Frome, and I feel like I’ve been living in that book, at least the feeling of it. If you haven’t read that book, you should. I’ve never read a novel so cruelly ironic and painful and frigid. I remember reading it and feeling icy. Edith Wharton, you could write my biography I think. But then I see a daffodil. Yellow, happy, and warm, and coming up out of the ground that look so dead…and I feel just that, coming back from the dead.
Daffodil. Spring. New. Hope.
1 day ago
I have just finished study William Wordsworth in British Lit. Lovely poem. If I'm not mistaken (which I could be) he was the poet who found inspiration in nature (or maybe that was Percy Shelley). This tattoo makes powerful statement and yet has a feminine subtlty(sp?) that makes it lovely.
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