In keeping with the theme of last night’s show, I should write this entire review in third person: Susanna says… , Susanna thinks… , but no, I’ll leave that little bit up to Suede, who, besides referring to himself in the third person last night, pleasantly surprised me with his innovative and super-fun red and cream mini dress. I would have enjoyed his triumph a lot more if his win didn’t prompt more spews of “Suede is so awesome! Suede +bleepin’+ rocked it!” Anyway, enough on the blue haired wonder…
In my opinion this week, all the designers had something to prove to the judges, the fashion world, and America in general. They had to prove that they were actually worth being on the show. After last weeks Parade of the Picnic (Tablecloths, that is), Trashy Trashbags, and High-Fashion Diapers, they could only improve, we hoped… and I think America got what it wanted.
This week’s designs were infinitely better than last weeks. I think the Most Improved Designer for Episode 2 should go to Stella, the “leatha’”-obsessed lady from Queens, who is slowly but surely becoming one of my favs. She was able to construct a dress that was feminine and pleasing to the client, while at the same time keeping her “Rock-Star” design identity.
My Wearable of the Week goes to designer Jerell, for the orange and gray/green dress. Very Greecian goddess runs headlong into a poppy and then goes skipping through Greenwich, or to the nearest coffee shop. I was sure that this one would be one of the top three, but I guess as far as “innovative” goes, the design probably wasn’t very high on the list.
And now for the goodbyes. Poor Wesley, it seemed he got a week of hard-knocks on a week when other designers stepped up. First he had the same material as two other designers. Then, he was still slaving over the sewing machine when they had five minutes till the runway show. So it came down to his overworked mess and Leanne’s petal explosion, which, btw, model Karalyn admitted she didn’t like (let’s see if Karalyn will reprise her role on the runway next week…something tells me what goes around comes around and Leanne’s quiet demeanor probably gives way to some girly meanness).
But anyway, the judges saw poor craftsmanship as more of a reason to Auf someone than fashion A.D.D., and I guess we all have to agree they were probably right. So goodbye little Wesley from Massachusetts. Oh and P.s. Vampire Weekend called, they want their shorts back…
1 day ago
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