Everybody has lows and highs right? But what happens when your lows get so ridiculously low that you can't even seen the beginning of a high? Well, I'm kind of in that spot right now where it seems impossible to see beyond the suck. So, I decided to list things that I like and that make me happy, no matter how frivolous, superficial, or trivial they may be:
1. New Season of Project Runway (okay so that shouldn't be number one, but I was just watching TV and saw the preview for tonight's show... tehe)
2. My painted ladder that is doubling as my shoe rack...still a work in progress, but I like it.

3. Sarah and Bobby

3. Maggie

5. Jennifer and Tom

4. Daddy (and his super cool sister, aka, Aunt Gin)

5. California

6. Mama, even though she's not here anymore, I still had/have the most amazing mother in the world.
7. Turner Classic Movie channel (Watching The Apartment with young Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon)
8. Orange and pink Dunkin Donuts straws. They make me happy.

8. Oscar and Kobe, even though I find random doggie hairs my dresses in the closet that I haven't worn in 3 months.
Okay, so that's the beginning of my list. I am saying "Yes, Please" to good things and hopefully they'll stay around... or at least the good mood brought on by good things.
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